"京都の染屋がつくった™" は京都で三代続く悉皆屋、(株)日根野勝治郎商店がつくったライフスタイルブランド。





The "Made by a Dye Shop in Kyoto" is a lifestyle brand created by Katsujiro Hineno Shoten, a three-generation Siddaiya (all-surface dyeing and finishing shop) in Kyoto.
Sushikkaiya, also known as a dyer in Kyoto, is a kind of producer in the modern sense of the word,
They have been involved in dyeing kimono fabrics for generations.

Today, Sushikumaya continues to work with about 150 craftsmen to produce fabrics.

Hand-dyed silk fabrics with a width of 1 shaku (about 38 cm), which is rare in the world and specialized for kimono, have unique colors, patterns, and textures.
This cloth width is also a width that allows craftsmen to bring out the best of their hand-dyeing skills and techniques.
However, kimonos are gradually disappearing from Japanese people's lives, and the opportunities for people to hold our dyed fabrics in their hands are decreasing.

We want as many people as possible to have access to the fabrics we have produced.

With this in mind, we make items that fit into modern life using silk fabrics hand-dyed by artisans for kimonos.

日根野勝治郎商店 Instagram

毎日放送「京都知新」にて三代目 日根野孝司の悉皆業としての新たな取り組みを特集していただきました。
